Andrea Dorantes
Global Backpacker, Trip Leader/Guide
Born and raised in León, Mexico. Her childhood memories involve running behind a soccer ball. After playing collegiate soccer for 2 years in Illinois, she realized she did not want to spend her last 2 years of university surrounded by cornfields. Andrea Googled “schools near ski resorts” and found Boise State University. When she became a trip leader for the outdoor program at BSU she found her passion for the outdoors and a deeper connection with nature. After completing her finance degree; she has come to the conclusion that the best way to invest her money is in traveling. That is how she came to make traveling her full time job. Andrea has traveled solo to 4 different continents and more than 20 countries. Andrea is ready to share some of her traveling adventures and insights as you join her in the mountains.
“The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life.” ― Agnes Repplier
Theresia Bohnert
Guide/Trip Leader, Ski Instructor, Personal Trainer
Theresia was born and raised in the beautiful Black Forest, Germany. She spent her winters skiing and ski racing. Summers were for outdoor activities and many adventures in the Alps with her family. Her sense of adventure took her later across the ocean to California. She traveled and lived in many states before she raised her daughter mostly in Boise, ID. Once a year she travels back to Germany to see her family and to spend some time in the Alps, her favorite place, the mountains. Theresia earned a geriatric nursing and graphic design degree in Germany. But in the mountains of Idaho Theresia prefers to work as a fully certified Ski Instructor at Brundage Mountain. During the summer you’ll find her adventuring through the west/northwest camping, stand-up paddle-boarding, mountain biking, and trail running. Theresia also works as a personal trainer and she offers Ski.Fit.Conditioning to everyone that likes to stay in perfect ski condition all year round.
Theresia is excited to offer HigherUpTours to adventurous guests and make it a memorable experience to all.
“I travel because I become uncomfortable being too comfortable.”– Carew Papritz
Maria Paula Dorantes
Marketing Director, Adventure Planner
Bio-Coming soon!
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage” ― Anais Nin
Together we speak three languages; English, Spanish, and German. We are passionate about adventure planning, and would love to take you along for an unforgettable time higherup!